Conference 1: Beyond yet another case of financialization of urban production: financial infrastructures, comparative urbanism, and rent-based accumulation
May 15 (9h15 - 10h00)
Ludovic Halbert (Universidade Paris-Est – França)
Local: "Luiz Gastão de Castro Lima" Amphitheater
Conference 2: Could sociology of quantification offer new perspectives on financialization of cities? A first research fieldwork on Lyon’s Metropolis Developers
May 16 (9h00 - 9h45)
Fabrice Bardet (Universidade de Lyon – França)
Local: "Luiz Gastão de Castro Lima" Amphitheater
Conference 3: Governing urban development in the Low Countries: From managerialism to entrepreneurialism and financialization
May 16 (17h00 - 18h00)
Manuel Aalbers (Universidade de Leuven – Bélgica)
Local: "Luiz Gastão de Castro Lima" Amphitheater