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Palestra no IAU com o arquiteto Gilles Alvarenga (Zed Factory, Londres)

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– No dia 12 de maio próximo será realizada palestra do arquiteto Gilles Alvarenga sobre os projetos inovadores e de baixo impacto ambiental do escritório Zed Factory, de Londres. Apresentação do projeto BEDZED, conhecido internacionalmente como exemplo de habitação ambientalmente sustentável.

ZED Factory began as Bill Dunster Architects in 1998. From day one, the company has been exclusively committed to low carbon building and development. Using tried and tested technologies, ZED Factory creates designs that are stimulating and practical on a daily basis, yet distinctive, economic and reliable in the long term. Today, ZED Factory is a leader in the field of zero-carbon design and development, with a unique track record of delivering Zero (fossil) Energy Development (ZED) buildings in the UK. The company offers the full range of architectural services, from master-planning and design of large-scale ‘Eco villages’ to one- off individual building commissions.

The ZED Factory also works closely with leading UK academics and consultants to model predicted energy consumption and production, fluid dynamics and whole life cycle carbon costs of their designs to ensure they achieve the lowest environmental impact possible.

The ZED Factory is a leading light in low carbon living. We have extensive experience in the design and realisation of energy efficient buildings of all types and sizes. The company’s designs for zero carbon building projects are sought out by clients around the world.

12.05.2016 (quinta-feira), 17:00h, Atelier 3 do IAU.USP

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