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impressao 3d argila web

Palestra no IAU – Aula de abertura da Disciplina Linguagens e Processos Espaciais II

impressao 3d argila web

Impressão 3D com argila: demonstração, desafios e vivências
3D printing with clay: demonstration, challenges and experiences

Docentes responsáveis: Amanda Saba Ruggiero e Simone Helena Tanoue Vizioli

Dia: 19.08.2022 Sexta – Feira
Horário: 14:30h
Local: Laboratório de Construção Civil IAU-USP
Transmissão pelo canal do IAU USP no youtube https://www.youtube.com/iauusp


Claire Warnier
Co-fundadora do escritório Unfold e professora no Departamento de Pós-Graduação da Academia de Design de Eindhoven.Graduada na Academia de Design de Eindhoven 2002, Mestrado em Artes pela universidade de Ghent. 
Graduated at the Design Academy Eindhoven, department of Man and Identity in 2002 and received a Master of Arts (M.A.) at the University of Ghent in 2008. Besides Unfold she works as a mentor at the Masters Department at the Design Academy Eindhoven and previously held positions at Colorado State University, USA; LUCA School of Arts, university college of art and design, BE and Z33, art center in Hasselt, Belgium

Dries Verbruggen 
Co-fundador do escritório Unfold e professor no Departamento de Pós-Graduação da Academia de Design de Eindhoven. Graduada na Academia de Design de Eindhoven.
Graduated at the Design Academy Eindhoven, department of Man and Living in 2002. Besides Unfold he works as a mentor at the Masters Department at the Design Academy Eindhoven and previously held positions at Colorado State University, USA; LUCA School of Arts, university college of art and design, BE and at the ICT & Media Design department of the Fontys University of Applied Sciences, NL.

Anita Ekman
Artista visual e performance brasileira. 
Anita Ekman is a visual artist, performer, curator and researcher. Her research in the fields of archaeology and Indigenous and African slavery in the Amazon and Atlantic rainforests (reflected in her artworks), has been recognised by institutions such as Harvard, Tufts and Indiana University for its pioneering importance.  

Francisco dos Santos Ekman Simões
Graduado em Imagem e Som pela UFSCar, proprietário da Tora Tambores, e atua como bolsista Extensão no País pelo CNPq – EXP-B.
Bachelor in Image and Sound from the Federal University of São Carlos (2006). Experience in Arts, Music, education and technology, digital fabrication and collaborative culture. Educator in non-formal spaces, complementation projects and after school hours, child and youth support entities, Culture Points and Pontões, Social Service of Commerce – SESCs. Extension fellow the WASH Program – Workshop for Software and Hardware Aficionados at CNPq. Producer of handmade musical instruments, founder of Tora Tambores.